Good to be a Grubbs

"Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." (Ps 118:1)

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Six months old already

At six months, I am not crawling yet, but I am loving that mama is feeding me carrots, sweet potatoes, cereal and prunes. Still can't seem to swallow the green beans, unless i am REAL hungry, but Mom is so persistent, I will give in soon. I can say "dada" "la" (for Lawson) "ma" "ooh" and "hi". Still don't like my tummy, so i'm not planning on crawling any time soon, although Dad works with me regularly on it. I can sit on my own and only like rolling over when I'm sleeping. I'm kind of like my mama, in that if she can't do something, she's content not doing it. I'm like that with a toy, I just don't care enough to go get it. Pretty content to just watch either Mom or Dad in whatever they are doing. I am having such a great time; sleeping through the night, taking 2 long naps a day. Wow, six months is so different than being a newborn. (I think the family is in agreement that none of us really miss those days.) I still weigh around 17 pounds and am a little longer. Mom says my thighs have lost a roll.

These are just some pictures of me that Mama took. She gave them as Christmas presents. The Cowboy pics are because my parents are from the great state of Texas.

Mama's personal favorite.

This picture is totally my Dad.

This picture looks like mama when she was a baby.


Suzanne DeShong said...

Wade and Natalie, we miss you guys! The baby is so cute and very handsome. Isn't this age so much fun??? They're past all that yucky stuff....

We pray God is continuing to bless your new ministry out there and please come visit us in Cali soon!

Love, Suzanne

The Bird Nest said...

Grubbs-I'm so glad to have found your blog! What a cuuuute little guy you have on your hands! We agree about this age being so much fun. Those first few days and weeks are precious and fleeting, but they don't compare with actually being able to laugh and interact with your baby! It just continues to get better and better! Hope to see you in March!

Anonymous said...

Lawson is the cutest, sweetest, most precious portrait of handsomeness around. And he has the best parents anywhere! It IS good to be a Grubbs.

Hugs in person, hopefully soon, Mumsy

Julie Davis said...

Oh y'all, so beautiful (i can say that since I have a beautiful son).
I miss y'all so much!!!!!
He looks so flawless.


Dave and Tara Harris said...

Oh my goodness. He is sooo adorable. I miss yall and him. I want Kate to meet Lawson. I think they would be great buds. I hope we get to see him soon. We miss you here in Texas!!!