Good to be a Grubbs

"Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." (Ps 118:1)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Boys We Miss

These are our boys that we can't wait to come home to.  Over the past two weeks we've have some incredible friends help out with the boys.  They have filled their days with fun, learning, eating, and the occasional consoling session when either of them miss mommy and daddy.  Aside from this, our friends have gone above and beyond with keeping us connected with the boys while away.  They've been diligent with scheduled Skype sessions and have even maintained a personal blog for us - sending us pictures and updates on the boys each day (again "above and beyond").  Neal and Culbertson family - thanks for being such wonderful friends.

Doughnuts with the Culbertsons.  Lawson (above) will be 5 this summer and Fletcher (below) 3.

A Visit to the Atlanta Zoo while we visited the Zoo in Guangzhou.  Pandas straight from China.

Fletcher practicing his big brother on poor Kara before Ruthie comes home.  We're sure he tottered her.

Justin and the boys found a sign at the ATL zoo that pointed toward Guangzhou.  

Skype time with mom and dad.

You will notice the sibling rivalry even during worship time!  This made Nat and I feel at home :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet they are glad to have you all back!

Ginny S.