Good to be a Grubbs

"Give thanks to the LORD for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting." (Ps 118:1)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

pics from Texas

I realize that there were not the promised pics of my cute adorable self like you all were hoping for. The blog was down and my mom did not know how to save what she was doing without losing all her hard work. I am a handful you know, and she must use whatever time she has wisely.

My cousin Lexi loves me. She likes to change my diaper and hold me. I notice here how skinny I was... just wait for what i look like now.

Do I look comfortable or what?

These are my great Grandma's hands. Mama tells me that she lived in Florida and her hands are much darker than mine will ever be.

This is dear great Grandaddy. He came to one of Aunt Abigail's showers. I know, I'm sleeping again, but during that weekend, my Aunt Abigail had 3 bridal showers that I had to attend. All those women oohing and touching me. I had to ignore it awhile and try to catch some zzz's.

My great Nana liked to talk to me. She kept saying, "Well tell me about it." So I would. And then she would say, "Really?" And I thought, "This lady must not believe me or she wouldn't keep asking me "Is that right?" But it seemed to make her laugh for me to tell my story over and over again. All I'm ever saying is how great my mama is, especially her milk. And everytime I'd say, " you should try some," that's when she'd say "Really?" I don't think she was as keen on the idea. She never gave me a clear answer.

This is my great Papa... yep telling him the same story.
Same story...
Well, more to come, but the blog i messing up again. It's goodto be back!

1 comment:

Suzanne DeShong said...

OK, you guys, I have been WAITING for a blog update! Thanks for making my day! We miss you guys terribly, and Lawson has grown so much since you left us! Keep up on the blog so we can see him grow up way too fast! Juniors misses you all, but God bless your new ministry!